Monday, October 27, 2008

The Crash

My number has finally been pulled.  Last week I wrecked the Bonneville and broke my clavicle.  In five places no less.  I'm actually typing this post strictly left handed.

In ten years of riding on the street this is my first accident of any consequence.  A few days after I got my permit in '98 I got tapped at an intersection but was fine.  This time, not so much.

I was riding in North Georgia last Saturday on GA 136 (partial route found here).  It was chilly, probably high 50's, and I had just swapped my leather gloves for my bulky winter ones.  I was riding at a moderate pace, hadn't touched down a peg all day.  I was enjoying the views and fall foliage and got caught off guard by a decreasing radius turn.  Looking back I probably could have made the corner.

Instead, I grabbed for the brakes.  I hit the rear too hard trying to compensate for the lack of feel in my hands and hence the front brake.  The rear tire locked, something I've found happens very easily on the Bonneville, and I ran wide into the ditch.

I don't remember going down.  I got up and took my helmet off (minus face shield, which had popped off on impact).  I picked up the bike and it was then that I felt my collar bone moving around.  I stood there for a few minutes with the bike leaning against me, not knowing what to do next.

Luckily an older couple stopped and the gentleman helped me push the bike back to level ground and get the kick stand down.  He lived in the area and was able to give Ron directions on how to get there to pick me up in the truck.  He told me mine was the fifth or sixth motorcycle accident on that corner this year that he knew of.

While this was happening another rider stopped who ended up standing with me until Ron got there.  He also helped load the bike, as I wasn't much use.  In all the craziness I forgot his name and never got his contact info to thank him.  Probably my second biggest regret of the whole incident.

My gear did it's job though.  My Icon helmet is pretty scared on the right side and the attachments for the face shield broke off (as mentioned).   My faithful Joe Rocket jacket (8 years old) wore through on a couple places on the back.  However other than the broken collar, I came away sore but unscathed.

The Orthopedic surgeon tells me it will be about three months before I'm mostly back to normal, hopefully without the need for surgery.  I took myself off the Codeine yesterday, which has increased the pain but I think it's better than the side effects.

Ron and I dropped the bike off at Moto 400 on Saturday.  Now it's up to them and Geico.  It's probably better that it's not ride able so I'm not tempted.

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